Bosque Butterflies

September 22, 2018  •  3 Comments

Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)


I went for a walk in the bosque around noon. There were lots and lots of Clouded Sulphur butterflies feeding on the purple wildflowers. A few Checkered Whites where also feeding among the Clouded Sulphurs. I saw one tiny Western Pygmy-Blue that liked tumbleweeds and grass for some reason. The Western Pygmy-Blue was so small that the auto focus through my 70-200mm lens could not see it. I had to switch to manual focus.


Checkered White (Pontia protodice)

Western Pygmy-Blue (Brephidium exile)











Lavinia Ross(non-registered)
A beautiful collection of butterflies, and I love your last photo of the Sandias at sundown. You get some great colors out there.

I found a bunch of baby ladybugs clustered near their egg cases under a strawberry leaf in the greenhouse today. There are aphids in there, and the larvae found plenty to eat. These all were newly metamorphosed into tiny adults.
T & L Photos
Thanks, Susan!
Susan Graham(non-registered)
Love the butterflies! The cap off sunset is spectacular!
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