Knee Deep

February 07, 2018  •  10 Comments




T & L Photos
Hi Lavinia. I probably have some slides of them in the loads of slides we have around. We had super 8 moves of us kids playing one of the horses and Shetland ponies we used to have, but I have no idea what happened to those movies. We had horses that I rode a lot every summer up to my early teens.
Lavinia Ross(non-registered)
I didn't know you had horses, Tim. Do you have any photos of them?
T & L Photos
Hi Lavinia. I used to ride our horses in the river when it was low in the summers. One would always decide to roll in the shallow water and mud. I always rode bareback so could slip right off when she decided to roll, but I ended up wet and muddy as well.
Lavinia Ross(non-registered)
Nice shots, Tim! We used to ride our horses and ponies down to the local river when we were kids. The horses liked to paw at and play in the water.
T & L Photos
Hi Christine. The horse wasn't trying to run and the rider didn't try to get it to run.
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