Silly Silver

November 10, 2018  •  12 Comments

Silver is a silly kitty. He really gets the most out of hammocking. He also makes the best out of lying on the shelf waiting for a hammock to open up. You can see an animated gif of Silver hammocking at










T & L Photos
Hi Vanessa. Silver tries to compete with Spunk in his expressiveness.
I love his facial expressions and his toes.
T & L Photos
Hi Lavinia. They do love them. The wait in line for them, fight over them, and have a lot of fun rolling around in them. They've almost worn out the first one I made. I'm going to have to replace it pretty soon.
Lavinia Ross(non-registered)
That is a great Silver Series,Tim! They love those hammocks, don't they?
T & L Photos
Thanks, Couriers. It's a wonder he doesn't fall out with all his stretching and rolling around.
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